Sarah gave me this award! Thanks Sarah.
The rules for the “You Make My Day” award are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.I would like to give this award to some of the wonderful blogs I visit regularly.
de bedoeling is dat je deze award doorgeef aan 10 mensen wiens blog je vaak bezoekt en die je inspireren. geef ze een mailtje of post een commentaar op hun blog/site zodat ze het weten.
Ik geef hem door aan:Nancy, Nelly, hermien, audrey,femmy,sanny,
The rules for the “You Make My Day” award are to re-present it to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blog land. Let them know through email or by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times, and if you do, consider yourself really, really loved.I would like to give this award to some of the wonderful blogs I visit regularly.
de bedoeling is dat je deze award doorgeef aan 10 mensen wiens blog je vaak bezoekt en die je inspireren. geef ze een mailtje of post een commentaar op hun blog/site zodat ze het weten.
Ik geef hem door aan:Nancy, Nelly, hermien, audrey,femmy,sanny,
Janny ,pepeetje,Sija,wilma.